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AI has the potential to revolutionize the way companies recruit, train, manage and engage employees – and is beginning to do so. Most experts agree that the increased use of automating technologies creates a greater emphasis on the human skills and capabilities that cannot be replicated by AI.
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Professional development

How AI is transforming work and career paths

AI has the potential to revolutionize the way companies recruit, train, manage and engage employees – and is beginning to do so. Most experts agree that the increased use of automating technologies creates a greater emphasis on the human skills and capabilities that cannot be replicated by AI.

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Despite widespread acknowledgment of its benefits, talent development efforts often fall short, leading to costly turnover. What is often missing is clarity on the part of employees as to which career paths will generate the greatest energy and satisfaction. Learn more about how to help individuals become the best version of themselves.
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Professional development

The Missing “How” in Effective Employee Development

Despite widespread acknowledgment of its benefits, talent development efforts often fall short, leading to costly turnover. What is often missing is clarity on the part of employees as to which career paths will generate the greatest energy and satisfaction. Learn more about how to help individuals become the best version of themselves.

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Hiring the person transforms the hiring process into a strategic journey. At its core, this approach focuses on nurturing talent through personalized experiences that align with both the individual's career aspirations and the organization's objectives.
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Hire the Person, Not the Job

Hiring the person transforms the hiring process into a strategic journey. At its core, this approach focuses on nurturing talent through personalized experiences that align with both the individual's career aspirations and the organization's objectives.

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Finding, keeping, and developing top talent is a crucial priority for building a more nimble workforce with the right skills to adjust with business demands. The solution lies in a two-step process that taps into employees’ existing and future capabilities, creating a virtuous cycle that unleashes human potential and fosters organizational agility.
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Professional development

Skills Matching and Fully Unlocking Potential

Finding, keeping, and developing top talent is a crucial priority for building a more nimble workforce with the right skills to adjust with business demands. The solution lies in a two-step process that taps into employees’ existing and future capabilities, creating a virtuous cycle that unleashes human potential and fosters organizational agility.

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Business leaders seeking a competitive edge often take a skills-centric approach to find, develop, and keep top talent and to establish the agility required to keep up with the pace of change. Companies who help their employees carve out a career path that best matches their unique strengths and motivations will fare better than those who leave it to their employees to figure out which paths to pursue.
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Professional development

A More-Human Approach to Skills Matching

Business leaders seeking a competitive edge often take a skills-centric approach to find, develop, and keep top talent and to establish the agility required to keep up with the pace of change. Companies who help their employees carve out a career path that best matches their unique strengths and motivations will fare better than those who leave it to their employees to figure out which paths to pursue.

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Organizational performance lives or dies with people, but only 15% of employees worldwide are actively engaged in their jobs. Dysfunction throughout every organization holds back the potential to succeed. The journey to true engagement and extraordinary performance begins with recognizing and nurturing the unique strengths of every individual.
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Unleash the Power Within to Unlock Organizational Success

Organizational performance lives or dies with people, but only 15% of employees worldwide are actively engaged in their jobs. Dysfunction throughout every organization holds back the potential to succeed. The journey to true engagement and extraordinary performance begins with recognizing and nurturing the unique strengths of every individual.

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Congratulations to the newest class of tru® Certified Coaches who are ready to help their clients connect people with the work they love and drive performance from the inside out.
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Professional development

BreakThrough Performance Systems celebrates newest tru® Certified Coaches

Congratulations to the newest class of tru® Certified Coaches who are ready to help their clients connect people with the work they love and drive performance from the inside out.

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In the face of unprecedented challenges that make achieving business goals extremely difficult, we summarize key themes raised by leading organizational development consultants and coaches that are too important to ignore.
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Market Pulse: Key Issues from our Coaches

In the face of unprecedented challenges that make achieving business goals extremely difficult, we summarize key themes raised by leading organizational development consultants and coaches that are too important to ignore.

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Business leaders struggle to attract and retain top talent in a highly competitive marketplace in which technology shifts are revolutionizing work. Aligning work with the natural inner motives of employees can unlock productivity, creativity, and fulfillment.
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Aligning Work to Employees’ Inner Motives

Business leaders struggle to attract and retain top talent in a highly competitive marketplace in which technology shifts are revolutionizing work. Aligning work with the natural inner motives of employees can unlock productivity, creativity, and fulfillment.

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At Transform 2024 a progressive HR community gathered to focus on the workplace of the future. From start to finish, Transform 2024 was an action-packed, well-organized event. We share our top takeaways.
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Professional development

Top tru® Takeaways from Transform 2024

At Transform 2024 a progressive HR community gathered to focus on the workplace of the future. From start to finish, Transform 2024 was an action-packed, well-organized event. We share our top takeaways.

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BreakThrough Performance Systems (BPS) congratulates the new class of tru® Certified Coaches who are ready to help their clients connect people with the work they love and drive performance from the inside out.
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Professional development

BreakThrough Performance Systems celebrates new tru® Certified Coaches

BreakThrough Performance Systems (BPS) congratulates the new class of tru® Certified Coaches who are ready to help their clients connect people with the work they love and drive performance from the inside out.

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Download our eBook to learn about our unique methodology to connect people to the work they love.

A New Prescription for Winning Employees' Hearts and Minds

Download our eBook to learn about our unique methodology to connect people to the work they love.

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Connecting employees to work they love can have a profound impact on results. When companies align people with assignments that resonate with their aspirations, skills, and internal motives, they can unleash productivity like never before.
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Ready to Unleash Productivity? Connect People to Work They Love

Connecting employees to work they love can have a profound impact on results. When companies align people with assignments that resonate with their aspirations, skills, and internal motives, they can unleash productivity like never before.

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Moving from a top-performing individual contributor into a first-time people manager role can be a treacherous journey that often requires different skills than those used to achieve success up to that point. Based on the example and lessons of many good mentors and role models, we offer 10 commandments for successful first-time managers.
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Professional development

10 Commandments for Successful First-time Managers

Moving from a top-performing individual contributor into a first-time people manager role can be a treacherous journey that often requires different skills than those used to achieve success up to that point. Based on the example and lessons of many good mentors and role models, we offer 10 commandments for successful first-time managers.

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Nurturing professional development and creating a meaningful career path for team members can be daunting for first-time managers. Here we present the top ways companies can leverage the tru™ Strength Realization platform to help managers have a positive organizational impact.
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Professional development

Help managers build culture and results with people-centric technology

Nurturing professional development and creating a meaningful career path for team members can be daunting for first-time managers. Here we present the top ways companies can leverage the tru™ Strength Realization platform to help managers have a positive organizational impact.

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Hiring, developing and retaining employees with today’s skills while bridging to future skills needed to succeed is one of the biggest challenges businesses face today. Leaders who make it a priority to provide fulfilling work can gain a competitive advantage that has broad-reaching positive impact on their companies.
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Providing fulfilling work can be your competitive advantage

Hiring, developing and retaining employees with today’s skills while bridging to future skills needed to succeed is one of the biggest challenges businesses face today. Leaders who make it a priority to provide fulfilling work can gain a competitive advantage that has broad-reaching positive impact on their companies.

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Finding, developing, and retaining top talent is a top-priority challenge for companies. Successful leaders recognize that people bring a diverse range of talents and experiences to the table which can contribute to the overall success of a company, and they seek out hidden sources of talent within their organization to address emerging needs.
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How to up-skill your skills-based approach

Finding, developing, and retaining top talent is a top-priority challenge for companies. Successful leaders recognize that people bring a diverse range of talents and experiences to the table which can contribute to the overall success of a company, and they seek out hidden sources of talent within their organization to address emerging needs.

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Winning organizations need qualified, motivated employees to turn their vision into reality. As much as leaders may intend to build an employee-centric culture, there are several pitfalls that can impede realizing that vision. These five culture killers are worth your focus to prevent them from interrupting your success.
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Professional development

Five culture-killing pitfalls worth avoiding

Winning organizations need qualified, motivated employees to turn their vision into reality. As much as leaders may intend to build an employee-centric culture, there are several pitfalls that can impede realizing that vision. These five culture killers are worth your focus to prevent them from interrupting your success.

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Companies have been applying a wide range of solutions to overcome chronic disengagement. Understanding the sources of discontent is the first step for companies to take toward providing more fulfilling work, and realizing greater creativity and improved productivity among employees.
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Getting to the heart of employee disengagement

Companies have been applying a wide range of solutions to overcome chronic disengagement. Understanding the sources of discontent is the first step for companies to take toward providing more fulfilling work, and realizing greater creativity and improved productivity among employees.

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The LaSalle Network 2023 Talent Index offers several recommendations for companies to improve employee retention. We've added six enhancements from tru® Strength Realization that help companies offer meaningful work and build a people-centric culture.
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Retaining employees in today’s workplace

The LaSalle Network 2023 Talent Index offers several recommendations for companies to improve employee retention. We've added six enhancements from tru® Strength Realization that help companies offer meaningful work and build a people-centric culture.

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In an age where the Great Resignation, quiet quitting, and loud layoffs capture headlines, companies may want to consider using an ipsative (vs. normative) approach to uncover employees' unique strengths and increase engagement.
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Professional development

How an ipsative approach is different (and better) for uncovering unique strengths

In an age where the Great Resignation, quiet quitting, and loud layoffs capture headlines, companies may want to consider using an ipsative (vs. normative) approach to uncover employees' unique strengths and increase engagement.

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Attitudes may have soured recently on DEI, but companies still believe their best future lies in having a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace. An authentic and effective DEI program helps underrepresented employees understand their unique ability to contribute and thrive.
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Professional development

Delivering on the promise of DEI

Attitudes may have soured recently on DEI, but companies still believe their best future lies in having a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace. An authentic and effective DEI program helps underrepresented employees understand their unique ability to contribute and thrive.

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Companies find themselves managing the tension between inflationary pressures that could result in staff reductions and the desire to retain their best employees in the face of The Great Resignation. Leadership consultants and innovative new solutions can be important keys to unlocking winning strategies in the war for talent.
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Gaining an edge in the war for talent

Companies find themselves managing the tension between inflationary pressures that could result in staff reductions and the desire to retain their best employees in the face of The Great Resignation. Leadership consultants and innovative new solutions can be important keys to unlocking winning strategies in the war for talent.

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Despite achieving success in a highly visible sales role, I was miserable. Understanding my Achievement DNA allowed me to articulate my unique strengths and preferred environment, resulting in a shift to marketing. Strength Realization helped me unlock whole new levels of satisfaction and fulfillment in my career.
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Mid-career shift puts satisfaction in high gear

Despite achieving success in a highly visible sales role, I was miserable. Understanding my Achievement DNA allowed me to articulate my unique strengths and preferred environment, resulting in a shift to marketing. Strength Realization helped me unlock whole new levels of satisfaction and fulfillment in my career.

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"I was doing well but not as well as I thought that I could do. I decided it was time to make a change. I could never have made the shift from advertising to technology without Strength Realization." Learn how the insights from the process empowered him to be in control of his career and more satisfied with his work life as a result.
Career path

Career change opened windows to greater satisfaction

"I was doing well but not as well as I thought that I could do. I decided it was time to make a change. I could never have made the shift from advertising to technology without Strength Realization." Learn how the insights from the process empowered him to be in control of his career and more satisfied with his work life as a result.

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